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Academic theory seeks modern methods of communication

Author  :  ZHA JIANGUO and TONG WEI     Source  :    Chinese Social Sciences Today     2019-02-18

Recently, a seminar concerning the communication of theory in the media convergence age was held in Shanghai by the Institute of Philosophy and other institutes under the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

How to promote the communication of theory in the media convergence age has become an important topic. Zhou Zhiqiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Jiefang Daily, said that making the communication of theory more accessible is not just about putting theoretical articles online, in other words, making electronic editions of print media. Communication forms should be diversified through the addition of clarified headlines and visuals such as pictures and short videos to distill concepts.

Zeng Jun, vice president of the Shanghai Party Institute of the CPC (a.k.a. the Shanghai Administration Institute), said that nowadays many methods for communicating theory are stiff. Some forms purely transplant traditional elements of theoretical education to internet communication rather than translating official and academic terms into languages understood by the public.

The communication of theory can be improved in the following four aspects. First, it cannot be done in a compulsory way. Second, realistic problems should be faced directly. Third, public demands should be taken into consideration. Fourth, interaction between academia and the media should be strengthened. The communication of theory should show solicitude for life, focusing on the average person’s daily life and meeting their spiritual demands. Pan Shiwei, former deputy director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Shanghai Municiple Committee, said that the following three aspects should be given attention. First, theory should be localized and tied to China’s reality. Second, we should encourage different civilizations and cultures to flourish together through interaction and healthy competition. Third, the relation between theory and discussion should be clarified. No academic research can be done without discussion and communication, especially in terms of the communication of thought.

Xie Chao, a full-time deputy director of the Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations, said that the communication and timeliness of theoretical products cannot be achieved without advanced planning at important times and key points, without a humorous and lighthearted way of expression, nor without cooperation among such industries as academic research, video production and online editing. Fang Songhua, chairman of the Institute of Philosophy under the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that it is an important mission for the development of Chinese modern theory to communicate Chinese theory, academic research and ideology in a modern, rational and civilized way.

Editor: Yu Hui

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