CONTACT US Wed Nov. 13, 2013

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Pension insurance system to be equalized

Author  :       Source  :    Chinese Social Sciences Today     2016-02-18

On Jan. 28, the Guangzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released a report evaluating the city’s social security system. According to the report, the aging population has expanded in the past few years while the pension insurance system has failed to respond to widening urban-rural disparities and group differences. Civil servants, employees of private enterprises and those who work for public institutions received unequal treatment under the current pension system. Moreover, the role family plays in providing care to the elderly has weakened, and welfare agencies have been slow to fill up the gap. The report emphasized that community centers, not family, will play the most important role in taking care of the elderly. However, government funds are insufficient to support the growing demand for community centers. At the same time, funding from other sources has begun to flow into the eldercare system, alleviating the government’s burden to a certain extent.

Editor: Yu Hui

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