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Think tanks require systemic policy support

Author  :       Source  :        2016-05-06

Zhang Junkuo, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, recently published an article in Beijing Daily shedding light on the system and policy environment required for think tank development. He said think tank development requires sufficient market demand and a competitive environment. Social demand is the foundation for think tank development, he said. Though the Chinese government values think tanks, there is a lack of institutional support. Moreover, a competitive environment for various types of think tanks must be fostered to realize the survival of the fittest. He added that a friendly social opinion environment is necessary. Social sciences and the humanities have been undervalued relative to natural sciences for quite a long time in China, and the situation remains unchanged. Zhang argued that a practical research environment is needed to encourage down-to-earth investigation. Free discussion should also be encouraged, and voices of opposition to existing policies should be allowed. He said that effective data is essential to think tank research, which requires higher levels of openness and transparency in government affairs. To this end, laws and policies should be improved. Finally, internal management of think tanks, especially official think tanks needs to be enhanced, for example, in personnel, finance and foreign affairs.

Editor: Yu Hui

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