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Discovery in brain science may advance AI

Author  :       Source  :    Chinese Social Sciences Today     2016-08-08

Feng Jianfeng and a team from the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence at Fudan University recently published their latest research findings on the brain. The research investigates the dynamic interaction model of the brain as a whole though magnetic resonance imaging and shows how the brain network dynamically changes, mapping out the brain functional network for the first time. Meanwhile the discovery demonstrates that functional brain networks are closely related to the intelligence and these findings are poised to have a revolutionary impact on the development of artificial intelligence. Now, the institute’s brain functional network graph can be used to build advanced artificial neural networks, which would enable computers to study, grow and adapt. Feng is the chief scientist of the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, which is committed to interdisciplinary research on artificial intelligence and brain science.

Editor: Yu Hui

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