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The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in a New Era

Author  :       Source  :    Elgaronline     2014-05-15

Edward Elgar Publishing published a book The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in a New Era by Proessor Mike Koehler, from Southern Illinois University’s School of Law, last April.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has emerged as a top concern for companies doing business in the global marketplace. This book is the first of its kind given its comprehensive and provocative coverage of the FCPA and its many related legal and policy issues.

In The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in a New Era, Professor Koehler dissects the FCPA's new era and confronts the FCPA statutory text, legislative history, judicial decisions, enforcement agency guidance, and resolved FCPA enforcement actions.

Written by a former FCPA attorney with expert knowledge and experience relevant to the issues discussed, the book injects innovative concepts to the study of the FCPA and its enforcement such as the "world's most ethical FCPA violators," "the facade of enforcement" the "three buckets" of FCPA financial exposure, "FCPA Inc. and the business of bribery," and the "offensive use" of the FCPA.

This book provides a toolkit that will help readers from the boardroom to the courtroom to the classroom better understand the FCPA, FCPA enforcement, FCPA compliance strategies, and the many legal and policy issues present in this new era.


Editor: Du Mei

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